This is actually no great virtuous thing, because, while we may not have cable TV, we do have cable internet.
So Kate is in no danger of being deprived of any childhood icon, with sites like:
Playhouse Disney
(There was a too, but they just recently merged with NickJr.)
Who needs TV?
A couple of months ago Kate sat down and drew (horror of horrors) the characters from Yo Gabba Gabba.
On a slightly more cultural note, she also drew this sequence from Disney's The Whale Who Wanted to Sing at the Met.
That's Willie the Whale as Mephistopheles, with the horns and flames. I was impressed with this one. She picked out some good details. And she's just recently started using color more.
One advantage to not watching actual TV is that we don't get subjected to quite as many commercials. Although that doesn't always work, either--Kate recently watched a bunch of toy commercials on youtube. Oh boy.
Her drawings are amazing to me. Kaleb loves to color, but he doesn't really draw much yet.
The real question, though: can she say "mephistopheles"??? 'Cause that would be adorable!!! ;)
I'm super impressed by her art, she has obviously inherited her parent's artistic talents!
We have no TV, no cable, so only movies for him. I can't stand those commercials, or even most of the kid shows--way too snarky! Those are some super-awesome drawings by Kate, wow!
Her drawings were great. Our 3-year old granddaughter in Spokane loves Yo-Gabba-Gabba. I have several episodes recorded for her to watch when she visits. Maybe I'm partial because the guys who do the program are LDS. I especially like their song dealing with eating vegetables. "There's a Party in My Tummy."
I'm impressed too. How very very fun. She's a very talented young lady.
I love the last picture--wow! We did without TV for a while this year--we don't watch any broadcast networks anyway, and the big girls just watch Japanese stuff online. Anyway, good for you!
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