The plan: get a picture of Kate and Andy together, looking like they're both happy about it, on a nice overcast day (no harsh shadows), when the grass is dry.
Out of this I hope to get not just one usable photo, but three.
Sound possible?
I have this vision for the wall above my computer desk, involving three square photos in a row (because, you know, things look better in threes). This adds an additional complication--I have to get three photos in which Kate and Andy's faces are close enough together that they can be cropped into a square.
When my overcast, dry-grass day finally materialized (August 28), I was home alone with the kids, (and Kate's purple shirt that had originally been part of my vision was in the laundry) but I decided to seize the moment. Assembled kids, blanket, camera, and bribed Kate with the promise of a cookie if she cooperated.

Kate is impressed by Andy's prodigious amounts of drool.

I'm quite sure that Kate is too young to be making this expression.

Andy yakked on the blanket (hugely) so we tried it without the blanket, but he didn't like the prickly grass.

Further attempts quickly deteriorated.

Can't you just feel the love?

Tipping... tipping... Aaaaaaagh!
I did get three that I'm planning to use. Not quite what I hoped for, but they'll work.
I think I'm going to get them printed 14"x14" mounted on foam board, at WHCC. (That's
White House Custom Color.) I started an account with them
years ago, but never got around to sending in my test files. I finally got that taken care of and got them back a few days ago, and was quite alarmed to see how far off my monitor apparently is. The prints are much redder than what I see on my screen. I need to get a new monitor anyway (mine has a case of the intermittent fuzzies, though it's been clear for several days now), but I guess I'll be looking into calibration devices, too. So now I'm second-guessing my color editing. I have no idea what these really look like.