Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Andy at 3 weeks

Some cute faces:

Andy's got a bit of the baby acne thing going on. I looked it up--Dr. Greene says it comes from hormones left over from mom. He also says, "It tends to occur at about the same age as the baby's peak gas production and fussiness....(This all coincides with parents' maximum sleep deprivation.)" I can relate.

Andy continues to be very gassy, and he also has a stuffy nose right now and is having trouble breathing. After a very bad night and another session with the snot-sucker this morning, he's finally resting more comfortably. I foresee naps for everyone this afternoon.


MaryRuth said...


He is sooo beautiful! I love baby boys!

I'm assuming my baby boy was that small but I just don't remember it.




Kathey said...

SO cute! Good luck with the naps. This too shall pass. Love, Mom

Mimi said...

Bwahahahahahhahaa, I can remember relating too.

YOu are braver than I am, I could NEVER snot suck, I had Dh do it.

Dean and Ida said...

What a beautiful baby boy!! I hate the snot sucker, i think Parley feels the same too!

Barbie Mills said...

I love the second picture. Does he look like Doug?

Hazel's congestion is so deep that I can't get most of it with a snot-sucker and she just isn't breathing well. I called her doctor this morning, and they are sending over a machine (from the same company that brought over the bili-light) called a BBG, which the doctor said is short for "Baby Booger-Getter." I thought that was hilarious. It is supposed to work really well.

Pam said...

Awwww...thanks for the baby fix!!! I wish you all deep naps and 6-8 hour nights!

golonghorns said...

Hope things start getting better!

Expatriate Buckeyes said...

Hali l.o.v.e.s looking at the pictures of Andy. When ever she is throwing a fit all I have to do is show her your blog and she cheers right up!

mycattripoli said...

oh the gassy and acne stage! this little andy is such and angel!

Amy Sorensen said...

Helena, he is just gorgeous! I'd offer to come and hold him for you so you could sleep but it'd be a VERY long drive to get there, lol!

Angeltown said...

Oh Helena, he's SO sweet and adorable! Congrats hun. I'm so happy for you! :)

Samara and Family said...

Oh, those faces are amazing. He is so expressive...love it.