It's a drippy sort of day. I remember when we were in Newfoundland, our friend Patrick told us that he always felt kind of down around Easter, since his mom had died at Easter time, and, he said, it seems like it always rains. (Probably true, in Newfoundland.) I was all set to take Kate out with the umbrella to do our little egg hunt, but the rain let up just at the right moment.

The purple egg had a message inside--"Look behind Andy's crib." There was a DVD of
Bolt (which we still haven't seen, but I figured Kate would enjoy it). There was also some candy in the other eggs, which I'm thinking we shouldn't have let her eat all at once.
This Easter, thoughts of life and mortality and hope and faith have been on my mind rather more than usual. On this day that we celebrate Christ's resurrection, we also reflect on what this means for our own families. I haven't lost anyone in my immediate family yet (my last grandparent died when I was twelve), but having gone through this experience twice in such a short time with Doug's family, I've been pondering such things. We appreciate Doug's brother Al sharing with us a dream that he had after their dad passed away. We know that death is not the end, and we will be with our loved ones again.
Today I wore the Belgian lace blouse that
Matt Budge (an old friend from BYU) sent me while he was serving a mission in Antwerp. Matt passed away in September of last year, after a sudden and brief battle with cancer, leaving his wife of twelve years and their six children. I never met his family but I've been thinking of them a lot, wondering how the kids are doing without their father. Maybe they will find some comfort at this time.
Spring is creeping back--we see it in the blooming trees and budding leaves, and the beautiful yellow daffodils so bright against the rainy gray sky. Life continues.