Andy was blessed this last Sunday. (Here's a
brief explanation if you don't know what this is.) My sister Barb made this cute little outfit. I put it back on him to get pictures today, since I wasn't able to on Sunday for reasons which I shall relate. (Barb also made the dress that Kate wore for her blessing. My mom
blogged about it recently.)

Another sneeze! Achoo!
My dad flew out for the occasion. It was a quick trip--he came on Saturday and left early Monday morning. My mom wanted to come too, but a few weeks ago she realized that she just wasn't feeling well enough and needed to stay home. We missed her. (Hopefully we'll get to go out to Ohio this summer.)

Andy meets Grandpa.

Grandpa had hardly arrived before Kate roped him into a game of Hungry Hungry Hippo. Then she said, "Let's play funny faces! Ten funny faces." She made (and numbered) ten faces, and then pointed at him and said, "Okay, now it's your turn!" Ha.
Since moving to the 9:00 schedule, we've had a little trouble getting to church on time. I got up at 6:00 and took a shower, to be sure I'd have enough time to get everyone ready. As it was we still got there after the opening song and prayer, and when they said it was time for Andy's blessing I had to hurry and get him out of his car seat and do up that last button in the back.
Our friends Scott and Tom came to stand in the circle. Cousin Lonnie wanted to come but couldn't get off work. (He said, "You try getting the day off on Superbowl Sunday.")
I was worried that the outfit would be way too big for Andy, but the legs hiked up nicely and he wasn't quite swimming in them. The collar kept flipping up into his face and he kept trying to eat it.
After the meeting we got some pictures out in the lobby. Here's our less-than-successful attempt at a family picture:

I'm not sure what I'm doing here. Probably saying something to Dad about the camera.

Kate's playing with a little googly eye that she found on the floor.

Kate flips her hair; Andy looks like he smells something bad.

Absolutely no one looking at the camera.

And now we're all blurry! What's up with that?
Kate went off to Primary, but we had to subject Andy to a few more photos. (Okay, I suppose Doug will object to my use of the word "we" here, so I'll admit it was completely my idea. No surprise there.)

Andy says, "Enough with the pictures, already!"
Andy slept in his car seat for the rest of the meetings. He didn't even really wake up when I buckled him back up for the ride home. After we got home I asked Doug, "So, do you think I should get Andy out now, or eat first?" and Doug said, "Eat first." So Andy was in the seat for a while longer. Then when I went to get him out I discovered that he'd had a blowout all over his beautiful white outfit. Ack. I called Barb to get washing instructions, and everything came out just fine. Hooray!
After naps, we went out to Cousin Lonnie's house in Puyallup for a yummy dinner of smoked trout. My mom had requested a vertical family picture, so we tried to get one out there. The lighting was not great.

(I can clone out that pole.)
And some of Grandpa with the kids:

Andy's face in this one just cracks me up.

Is that enough pictures? Whew!
We had a nice visit, though very short. I got up early the next morning to give my dad a hug on his way out. (I was going to anyway, but Andy woke me up just at the right time.) Thanks for coming to see us!