Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Baby Steps

We have a walker! Kate went suddenly from taking four or five steps on her own to toddling full-tilt around the house.

Of course, a girl who's walking needs some shoes! I got her two pairs--these cute little pink sneakers and some pretty Sunday shoes.

Kate hadn't really worn shoes at all (I did put some on her once, just out of curiosity, and she kicked them off) so I wasn't sure how she was going to react, but she got the idea right away. She sees us put on our shoes, and she's old enough now to make the connection. She's very immitative and tries to do what we do, so the shoes were well received. Now she'll bring me her shoes to let me know she wants to go outside.

This is Kate at church the Sunday before last (Jan 29), wearing her new shoes and her dress from the wedding. At that point she was still holding onto things and taking just a few steps at a time. By the next Sunday she was all over the place.

I took these outside yesterday. She's still a bit uncertain on uneven surfaces, but she's enjoying exploring and experiencing. We're excited about spending lots of time outside as the weather gets warmer.


Anonymous said...

Just darling!! Hold on, Helena. Now the fun *really begins.

Anonymous said...

She's adorable! However, I think you won't have as much time to design digital images now that she's up and running ;)

Anonymous said...

How the heck can she be walking already....my gosh!

Love that toddler toddle, though - it's one of the cutest things about that age!

Katrine said...

She's adorable! But with walking comes a lot of trouble! But of course, it's good trouble.

Anonymous said...

She looks so dang cute in her dress and shoes. I love it! Yay for walking!

Mimi said...

Congratulations, Kate!

Our preschool called babies of that age "Wobblers", I just loved that term!

Kristi said...

Awwww, Helena, I love that first picture of both of your feet!!

Corina said...

How exciting!!!!! Now the real fun begins!

~**Dawn**~ said...

i love that photo of her in her party dress. =)