Doug went all out with his Halloween costume this year (meaning that he started planning well in advance, which I...errr...didn't). He was a guest lecturer at Hogwarts. We went to Jo-Ann and he got a pattern, some black suiting fabric, and blue lining (at the same time that I got some fabric for photo backdrops, finally). Our friend Jill at church put it together for him. She did a great job!

Doug says that if he were to get sorted at Hogwarts he would be in Ravenclaw, so he designed the costume in Ravenclaw house colors. He got a tie from
wizardties.com and a Ravenclaw patch from
patchpalace.com (the book version, which has an eagle on it, not the movie version, which has a raven on it. Go figure). He made himself a name tag out of
Sculpey polymer clay. You can print something out on a laser printer (or a photocopier--something that uses toner), put it face down on the clay, and wet it with rubbing alcohol, and it will transfer the image onto the clay. (I told him he should be the Lecturer in
Recent Runes, and then he could have a sly reference to Terry Pratchett's Discworld books. He laughed but stuck with the Ancient Runes.)

We had a Halloween party at church Friday night. I had been busy painting all week, so I just kept my painting clothes on and went as a painter. I ran out of time to put something together for Kate, so I just gave her a paintbrush to wave around and said she was my assistant. She thought that was great fun.

We ran into these two cute little Harry Potters in the hall. Doug said, "I think those are some of my students! They must be first years." We took some pictures with them later.

I love this picture of Kate bear-crawling, off to explore. She still wants to stay close to Mom and Dad, but is reaching out more and more. She seemed quite excited by the bustle and the bright colors.

Here Kate meets a little horse. Isn't it fun how babies are so fascinated by each other? (The little horse was also fascinated by Kate's paintbrush.)
Our friend Tom ate six hotdogs at the party. Fortunately I did not get any pictures of this feat.
Doug also wore his robe to his classes on Monday, though he said he took it off once he started teaching, because he was getting chalk dust on the sleeves.