Our stake is doing Trek this year (pioneer reenactment, complete with handcarts), and I was asked to help make a flag. They had the logo ready, and wanted it blown up and transferred onto fabric. I was pretty much given free rein in exactly how this was to be accomplished, so I decided to break out the craft foam and make a stamp. I've done a lot of these but never one of quite this magnitude before. It's about 18 inches high.
I traced the design onto craft foam and then spent a day cutting out all the pieces. (Andy was a little too interested in the letters and kept putting them back in the negative cut-out.) I got a big piece of clear plastic (Hobby Lobby has them in the stained
glass section), and glued the pieces to that. I wanted a clear
background so I could place the stamp more accurately, and re-align if I needed to stamp the image more than once.
Today I cleared off the kitchen table and did the stamping. It's on two pieces of fabric so they can be sewn together back-to-back for a double-sided flag. I applied acrylic paint to the stamp with a brayer, positioned it on the fabric, and hand-pressed it all over.
On the second side, I mixed some Golden Open Medium with the paint, and it came out a lot darker. So then I went back and printed the first side again. (Good thing I had that clear background--I was able to line it up just fine.)
The verdict: it won't replace silk screening, but if you're going for that printed flour sack look, it works pretty well!