At five-and-a-half, Kate is creative and imaginative and has the typical variable attention span, depending on whether it's something she wants to do or something we want her to do. She'll spend quite a while drawing, or playing with Play-Doh, or making things with her scissors and tape. An empty yogurt container and two toilet paper tubes turn into a robot. A plastic clip becomes an alligator.
She's reading quite well, likes to play games on the computer, and especially enjoys reading Calvin and Hobbes with Daddy or Mom at bedtime. The fascination with creepy-crawly things continues, though she's wary of bees after being stung last summer.
She also tends to be strong-willed and melodramatic, which makes things interesting. Her current response for when she doesn't want to do something is "I'm not available to do that!" She has been doing a lot better lately at saying please and thank you. We're looking forward to seeing how she does in school.