I took these pictures about a month ago, right before my camera died, and hadn't gotten around to processing and posting them yet. We went up to The Bouncy Place in Kent with some friends from church (the Carters, who have a little girl just a little younger than Kate) and I took along the camera. I don't think this had anything to do with the camera dying. I wasn't actually bouncing with it or anything.
Kate's favorite thing at The Bouncy Place is "Baby Dino Lake" with the animals. She always has to go see the animals first thing, and say goodbye to them when we leave.
Tuesday night is "Family Night": $5 per kid for an hour and a half. Adults are welcome to bounce too, though not many do. I don't know why--it's great fun, and quite the workout. (And it's easier on the knees than crawling around in the tunnels at Odyssey.)
(Nice expression there, Doug!)
Here are Kate and Daddy on one of the slides. Motion blur!
Here's one of all three of us at the top of a big slide. Wheee!
And here's Kate climbing all by herself! It's been so fun to see her do more and more each time we go. The first couple of times she was pretty cautious. When we went down the big slides she would sit on my lap and cover her eyes (which was awfully cute). Now she's just bouncing and climbing and sliding all over the place.
There's a hazard to working on photos like this--Kate looking over my shoulder, and saying, "Look! It's me! At the Bouncy Place! We can go to the Bouncy Place tomorrow?" We told her we can go on Tuesday. It's hard to explain what "Tuesday" means at this point. Heck, I'm not sure if she really understands what "tomorrow" means. She's pretty clear on "today" and "not today." I have a feeling we'll be hearing about The Bouncy Place a lot for a while.