Saturday, February 21, 2009

Back to the Drawing Board

It's been a few months since I contributed to one of the collaborative kits at NDISB. For March we're doing a Spring/garden theme with some bright colors. I sat down with Kate (while she was playing with her Play-Doh) and sketched these out (along with a couple of other coordinating pieces that I haven't done yet):

It took a few days but I got everything put together. I don't work very quickly in the first place, and of course it's just that much more difficult with two kids. Doug took Kate out to Snake Lake (and the library) for a few hours yesterday, and I was able to get everything finished and uploaded.

These are made with layered shadows. They're a bit fiddly but the effect is pretty cool.

I included my chickadee drawing, too, since I hadn't done anything with that yet.

Kate's been creating some digital art, too. She's quite handy with the mouse. The other day she was playing with this drawing game on PBS Kids and said, "Look, it's a giraffe eating coconuts!" It was so cute, I just had to get a picture.

And here's a non-digital piece: a lion at the zoo. I love the mane and claws.

I also added Kate's illustrations to Doug's birthday post. It was my sister Barb's birthday too. Check out the fun birthday signs that her husband Kyle made for her. Cute!


  1. Lovely stuff from both you AND Kate!!

  2. That's amazing how 3-D yours look. They look embroidered!

    I love Kate's imagination!

  3. Great detail--both of you.

    Love, Mom

  4. Your stuff reminds me of the red and green applique work that I admire in antique quilts. Beautiful.


  5. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Gorgeous work! I think you should encorporate some of Kate's work into your digidesigning one of these days.

  6. Thanks for sharing a little insight into your process. I love seeing how the idea started and the final execution. Also, great shadowing work - thanks for doing that! Will the final download have an indication of the angle you used (I'm assuming the standard 120 degrees)?

  7. I love the lion at the zoo. Cute!

  8. Looks like Kate is following in mom's footsteps! I love her giraffe eating the coconuts, that's impressive.


Thanks for stopping by! We love comments!

(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)