Saturday, February 21, 2009

Andy at 7 weeks

Yes, I'm behind again. These were taken last Saturday.

Here's Andy having nakey time on the bed. (With his diaper on, so I guess it's only half-nakey time.) He seems to enjoy the different sensation.

I have a hard time choosing pictures to post. I get so many cute ones! (Oh yes, all manually focused--how'd I do?)


  1. HOW CUTE IS HE?!!! Oh my...must step away from baby pics! Must.step.away

    (oh, I have more student projects posted on my blog!)

    He is so cute! Such a perfect round head! I wouldn't know anything about that. Dd's head was square (we jokingly and lovingly referred to it as a and ds had so much hair we wouldn't know what his head looked like. lol ...Jill

  2. He's so cute, I agree!!! Great focus, I think... =)

  3. Lovely photos! I love all his expressions. Did Kate make as many at this age? I know mine were/are so different. Em had infrequent moments but Q ran the whole gamut in an hour.

  4. This cute little guy looks really sharp. I'd say your manual focus is just fine.

    Love, Mom


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(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)