Isn't this pretty? This is going to be one of those posts with way too many photos, so I wanted to start out with a nice one. The sign said it was a red-flowering currant.
Last Thursday we went out to
Northwest Trek. We'd been there once before, almost four years ago, when Kate was just a little older than Andy is now. (I never got around to blogging those photos.) It's a wildlife park with animals that are native to the area.
It was a cool, gray day, and had been raining off and on, but we decided to go anyway and didn't have any trouble. The lighting was nice for pictures, too!
Ready to go!
Kate films the golden eagle.
This bald eagle hopped right into the water to get a drink.

Spring growth!
Kate on the tram. It goes out through the free-ranging area, where you can see a lot of animals. (Mostly ungulates. In fact, aside from the trumpeter swans, and a mention of beavers, they were all ungulates.)
Moose! There are four moose in the park, and we got to see all of them. Apparently this is quite unusual.

Big bison bull right by the road.

Elk and bighorn sheep.

More bison. They were right in the road and had to be persuaded to move out of the way. (This is looking back, after we'd gone through.)
Andy says, "Whoa, lots of ungulates!"
Bachelor bighorns.
Elk growing new antlers.

When we took Kate at this age, she fell asleep on the tram too. Andy held out slightly longer and didn't conk out till the very end.
I realized I didn't post a picture of the mountain goats or blacktail deer. Also ungulates.
After the tram we moved Andy into the backback baby carrier so Kate could ride in the stroller.

Interesting view of an otter.

The cougar is not in the free-ranging area, for obvious reasons. It would eat the ungulates.
Neither is the grizzly.
"Are we having fun?"
"You bet!"
Snowy owl (blinding!)
And barn owls! Complete with fake barn. (The barn owl at the Point Defiance zoo has a fake barn, too. Must be a requirement or something.)
"I'm exploring!"
Everybody smile!
Both kids fell asleep on the way home. Big day!
A good time was had by all!