Saturday, February 06, 2010

tummy bug


Kate got sick on Tuesday--a stomach virus that manifests itself with multiple vomitings, and is equally explosive on the other end of things as well. Andy came down with it yesterday. Needless to say I am very, very thankful for a washer and dryer.

Doug and I were feeling not-so-great, also, and had a long nap with Andy on the bed. This was rough for Kate, who was feeling better and wanted someone to play with her. Andy wasn't keeping anything down so I did a 9:30 run to the store for some Pedialyte. I think he's much better now.


  1. Anonymous10:11 AM

    I'm glad y'all are on the mend!

  2. So sorry to hear about all the sickies!

  3. Helen in Australia11:48 AM

    No fun :-( . Hope you're feeling better.

  4. sorry to hear about the sickness.

    p.s. I can't stop scrapbooking!!!!

  5. I'm so sorry. That is the worst illness ever. I too am thankful for washers and dryers...running water in general actually.

  6. I so enjoy your description of the illness. I hope you all recover very rapidly.


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