Sunday, February 07, 2010

eighteen feet of plywood

Guess what this is?

It's my new painting project! I'm doing a backdrop for a model train table. 18 feet long (in five panels) and 27 inches high.

This will be different because I'm going to be working on it at home. I suspect I probably won't be able to get much done when Doug's not here, so it may be a very slow process. It doesn't have to be done till Christmas, but I figured I'd better get it started as soon as possible. It might actually take me that long.

I got the primer on yesterday. Kate wanted to help. This turned out to be not such a great idea after all. Messy.

Doug said, "I reckon there ain't one boy in a thousand, maybe two thousand, that can do it the way it's got to be done." (Well, okay, that's not exactly what he said--I had to look it up--but he was pretty close.)

I'm excited about painting again! I haven't done anything since Barb's giraffe. I'm going to do some cool stuff with clouds.


  1. Oh wow! Now Allen's going to stalk your blog... =)

  2. I can't wait to see the finished project. You always make the neatest murals.

  3. That does sound cool.

    I love my giraffes!!

  4. My initial response to "Guess what this is?" was "Uhh, eighteen feet of plywood?

  5. Just out of curiosity, who is it for?

  6. Let me amend that question. I don't really need a name--that might not be appropriate. I'm just wondering if it might be for someone who has a passion for model trains like your Uncle Fred did with the McCloud River Railroad.

  7. It's for Sylvia's husband, for Christmas. Supposed to be a surprise, but she said he'd never look at my blog so I guess I can say. (Shhhhh!)

  8. Cool. OK, I won't say a word. ^-^


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