Thursday, July 02, 2009

Crochet threads

These are a couple of pieces that I had in-progress, and finished up while we were in Ohio.

I got the edging design from one of my Japanese patterns, and made up the rest.

Another Japanese pattern. I wasn't sure how big this would turn out with the size 10 crochet thread, so I thought I'd just make it and then give it to either Elizabeth or Hazel, depending on who it fit better (never supposing that they would both be wearing the same size).

I didn't have time to block this one, but told Karen how to do it at home, if she wants to.

One of these days I'll get around to finishing another piece for me!


  1. Both sweaters are precious! You do great work!

  2. They both look so nice, and Kate looks so grown up with her new haircut!

  3. Suzan4:34 AM

    Beautiful. It is such a pleasure to see such pretty items made with love.

  4. I never imagined they'd be the same size (yet) either. You sure are talented!


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