Monday, July 06, 2009

We are experiencing technical difficulties.

It seems I did something to my computer a few days ago. Doug suspects a registry or driver corruption. We're working on it, but right now I can't work on my pictures. (I've been reading and crocheting a lot.)

Something may be wrong with our car, too. The battery light came on Saturday night, while we were on the way home from our Independence Day cookout at Scott's. Sunday morning, as we were getting ready for church, Doug said, "I guess I'd better go out and see if the car will start." and then he thought better of it. If he did get the car to start, that's no guarantee that he would be able to get it to start again later. So I suggested we should just walk to church, and then he could take the car up to Schuck's on Monday. Kate was grumpy and resistant to getting ready (which often happens on Sunday mornings), but as soon as I told her we were going to walk to church she got all excited. She said, "Are we going to have a parade? Can I bring my flag?" So we had a parade to church. It's about four blocks. Kate sat in the stroller with her flag (plastic deal on a dowel about two feet long, that Scott gave her), and I carried Andy. We were a little bit late, but not too bad.

I hope to return to our regularly scheduled posting soon!


  1. Ooh, good luck with everything! =/

  2. Yikes! My car did the same thing as we were leaving an Independence Day celebration Saturday night. We also walked to church early Sunday morning. What a coincedence! We're trying a new battery since we've gone 6 years on a 5-year battery. Good luck with your computer and your car.

  3. There's seems to be a mysterious power at loose lately that is wreaking havoc and breaking important things in people's houses. I'm sorry. I hope everything works out and is easily fixed for you soon.

  4. Good luck with the computer. I just packed my laptop in the box sent by HP to return mine for hardware issues (after losing a few photos that had not been backed up.)

  5. A parade to church, what an adorable idea!

    I hope all is fixed as cheaply as possible.


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(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)