Thursday, July 02, 2009

Bloomer Girl

I ordered these bloomers for Kate from LainaLine. I got the capri length (4T)--they're a bit bigger (and longer) than I was expecting, but cute! I suppose she'll be able to wear them for a couple of years.

This one cracks me up. Think she's tired of posing?

Having ordered many things online, I'm accustomed to things like order confirmations and shipping notifications. I got nothing like that from LainaLine, but was able to get a hold of them when I needed to. Would do business with them again.


  1. *laughing* That last pose... ayup! I LOVE those bloomers--had no idea they were made anymore! They look absolutely darling on Kate (and your crochet skills--wow!).

  2. Tee hee. I also love the last photo.
    I want a pair of bloomers, those are adorable.

  3. I love bloomers!!! And your crocheting skills are incredible.

  4. Great photos. I especially love the last one.

  5. That last shot is just priceless. Love the bloomers. I wonder if E. would wear them... ;)


Thanks for stopping by! We love comments!

(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)