Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Andy at 2 weeks

(Taken Saturday)

I'm still trying to figure out where to take pictures. Our lighting situation in this apartment isn't the best. I'll get something worked out.

Andy has a goopy eye right now, and I think he was feeling gassy and uncomfortable when I took these, so he looks kind of worried.

Big yawn!

Andy had his two-week checkup yesterday. He weighs 7 lbs 8 oz now. In spite of all that spitting up, I guess he must be keeping something down! On the way to the doctor he was quiet as long as the car was moving. Whenever I had to stop for a red light he would start complaining loudly, and then he was quiet again as soon as I started moving. I remember Kate doing the same thing.

And look--I caught a sneeze!

Baby sneezes are so funny. Bless you!


  1. Oh Helena, he is just precious. I'm all longing-for-sweet-baby-sneezes now!

    Your photos are so, so beautiful!('Course, the subject matter is awfully photogenic!)

  2. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Wow, you can almost hear that sneeze! Go Andy! Great capture, Helena.

  3. Aw Helena, he's adorable. :) I think you've got nice light going on already.

  4. I agree with Molly - good photography. They are always so surprised by their sneezes aren't they?

  5. So precious. And wasn't it nice of him to sneeze just when you had the camera ready? :-) Great shots!

    Love, Mom

  6. Awwww! He is so sweet.

  7. Helena!

    Glad everything went ok with the delivery. He is amazing!

  8. He is a keeper for sure! I am proud to have such a cutie for a nephew.

  9. baby sneezes are hard to catch...and adorable!!!!!! what a sweetie.

  10. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Helena, congratulations to you and your family. Andy is exquisite.

  11. What a sweet face! And bless you Andy!!!

  12. Such a sweet little guy!


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