Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Getting Out

We finally got our tree taken down--on the 8th, I think it was. It's still out on the back porch. In the stand.

I've mentioned before that I'd like to celebrate Christmas for the full twelve days, but wasn't really sure how to maintain a festive atmosphere once Christmas day was past. This Christmas ended up being rather drawn out, since some of the things that I'd ordered were delayed due to bad weather. So we got to keep celebrating as things arrived. (One of Doug's gifts almost made it for Twelfth Night but ended up an Epiphany present.)

I was feeling a little cooped up, being home with the baby all the time, but managed to get out a few times. I took Andy to book club last Wednesday. I did want to go, particularly since I picked the book (Catherine, Called Birdy). It was stormy out, but I put a blanket over the car seat and off we went. Andy slept almost the whole time.

Friday we all (me, Doug, Grandma, Kate, and Andy) went to I Love Bento for dinner. Yum. Andy slept through most of that, too.

We all made it to church on Sunday--yay! I hadn't been for three weeks, which felt pretty weird. We just moved to the 9 o'clock schedule (we alternate starting at 11:00 for a year and at 9:00 for a year), and we'd been trying to adjust Kate's schedule to get her up and ready in time. (She's a night owl.) Last week I stayed home with Andy, and Kate had a bit of a cough so we kept her home too, to see if it would turn into anything else, and Doug went to church by himself. But this time we all made it! And yes, Andy slept almost the whole time.

Mimi stopped by after church and brought us a darling little "baby's first year" album that she made, and got to hold Andy for a while. And we didn't get a picture! I didn't even think about it till after she left. Phooey.

Kate went for a walk with grandma this morning, all bundled up in the stroller. I was thinking how nice it'll be when the weather warms up, and we can spend more time outside. Now that the snow's gone, we're ready for Spring to come.


  1. Yay for getting out! I'm voting for warmer weather and sunshine for you.

    Love, Mom

  2. I am always so ready to get out of the house after having a baby, but I have never had a winter baby. I think that would be much harder! So good for you!

  3. The weather helped us fully celebrate the 12 days of Christmas this year, I thought. It was a nice present.

    And, it was so lovely to stop by and see everyone!

    I also love "Catherine, Called Birdy" - what was the general concensus?


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