Friday, January 16, 2009

Kate on the graphics tablet

It's a gorilla. With spots.


  1. Pretty darned good! You know that species is highly endangered, right?? Kinda looks like the Jack of Hearts, though. ;)

  2. It looks great!

  3. Love it! It's interesting the detail she gives. I remember once when I was teaching 5-year-olds in Primary I had one of the kids draw pictures to illustrate a story I was going to teach. His people had the arms and legs coming out of the head, with no body. I'd say Kate is pretty advanced. Hers even has fingers and toes as well as a body with spots.

    Another budding artist I'd say. :-)

    Love, Mom

  4. Like mother, like daughter. At least in this case!

  5. Kate is so talented, just like her momma. But I'm glad you gave a description. Otherwise, I might think that it was someone with chicken pox (not that that person would be smiling about it...).

  6. That is exactly what it looks like! Super cute!

  7. Or... maybe Spongebob Squarepants? Haha, I highly doubt it since I don't even like my 7 year-old watching Spongebob, but if she's ever seen pictures or images, the character is square with spots, has skinny arms & legs with big hands... just a funny thought. I am very impressed with what Kate puts together for her age. Definitely advanced, I'd say.


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(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)