Monday, November 24, 2008

Snow and a Funeral

The morning of the funeral, this is what we woke up to:

About four or five inches of snow. (Okay, Doug says it wasn't that much.) We were quite unprepared but bundled up as best we could. The man whose trailer we were staying in shoveled a path for us.

Kate had fun making "pootfrints" in the snow.

We were worried about what the weather was going to be like at the cemetery, but once we got out of the Round Lake area and onto the main road, it looked like this:

Surprise! (That's the snow on the hood of the car, down at the bottom of the picture.)

The funeral was at the Keno branch chapel. (There was some snow falling during the service, but not really any on the ground.)

Doug's mom made this sign to go with the greenery arrangement during the viewing. I wasn't able to get a really good picture of the arrangement. It looked really nice on top of the casket for the service.

I remember Doug's dad once telling me that he didn't want to retire because he felt like if he stopped working he would die. He was at work when he had his heart attack. Drew's closed the store down for a couple of hours for the funeral, leaving someone behind to answer the phones, and everyone else came.

The service was very nice. All the kids spoke (Doug read his poem). Kate fell asleep on me, which was a surprise. She must have been really tired. We had a nice lunch afterwards. Doug and I sat with a couple of guys from Drew's and enjoyed talking to them.

The cemetery was just across the border in Dorris, California. Al was buried next to his in-laws (Doug's Grandma and Grandpa Henry).

Doug helps the bagpiper tune his drones. (He didn't know "Dark Island" so he just played "Amazing Grace").

At the graveside.

It was cold!

Six kids and Mom. Craig, Al (Jr.), Brian, Doug, Erika, Mom, Melody.

I know everyone was concerned about how Mom would be after we all left. I'm sure it's a difficult time. Melody stayed on another week to help with the transition. Al was instrumental in getting her set up with a cell phone and internet access and everything, so we could all keep in touch. She'll be coming up to stay with us for a while when the baby's born.


  1. Snow! Wow! I didn't even think of that.

    Prayers continue.

  2. Anonymous11:06 PM

    ('s actually Dorris, CA, and I think that was only 2 or 3 inches of snow on the ground.)

  3. I'm glad that Mary is going to be there for awhile when the baby's born. It tugs at my heart strings that we can't be there too. Hopefully we can soon.

    Love, Mom

  4. I really like the last picture with all the siblings snuggled up together and Doug's mom in the middle... that's a sweet one.

    The greenery/floral arrangement turned out so beautiful. What a special touch.

  5. I'm so sorry for the reason behind your trip. The photos, though, are incredible. I love the train ones going through the snow with the tunnel.


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