Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Flowers for Grandpa

While looking at caskets and floral arrangements (this was before we got there), the family members on site decided that, in addition to being froofy and overpriced, the flowers just didn't seem quite right for Dad. So someone hit on the idea of taking the grandkids out in the woods to gather things that reminded them of Grandpa, and putting together an arrangement from that.

The excursion happened the day before the funeral. Doug was fighting a cold (which Kate and I caught after we got home--oh joy) and Kate wanted to stay with him, so I went along and took pictures of Melody's kids and Erika's kids.

We went to an old-growth area just a few blocks away from the house. The kids had bags of various sorts to put things in. It was kind of cold and damp, but not actually raining right then, which was good.

Uncle Brian carries on the "pitch wood" tradition.

Maddy helps her little brother Grayson.

Sabin likes stomping on rotting logs.

Cousins Chloe and Maddy.

Melody's oldest, Taylor, who once took a nap on my stomach when he was about nine months old. It's rather unnerving to realize how much time has passed.

Maddy again.


Back at the house, we had to wait till after dinner to clean off the kitchen table and spread everything out and get to work. Doug's mom ended up doing most of it herself, with a lot of kibitzing from some of the female contingent.

Margit (Al's wife) and Shellee (Craig's wife).

Craig oversees.

Nadine and her mom.

I had to take Kate to bed and wasn't around for much of the process, and didn't get to see the final result till the next day at the funeral. It did turn out really nice, and I thought it was a great way to have the kids contribute.


  1. Lovely, Helena, and how very appropriate. Those are great pictures of you, and I really like the one of "Grandma" out in the woods. (Don't know the others.)

  2. What a wonderful, wonderful idea--and great results!

  3. I also love the idea, and the end result was really beautiful...I'm sure it was even better in real life. You are looking very cute and pregnant! :)

  4. How beautiful! What a fitting way to honor Doug's father. It looks like y'all had a nice visit. Just wish it was for a happier reason.

  5. Oh my goodness! What a fantastic idea, and it looks so great.

    And, you look swell :)

  6. what a dear and sweet post- very touching

  7. Anonymous10:48 PM

    What a wonderful idea--so personal and much more meaningful than store-bought flowers. Great photos, too.

  8. What a great idea! I am sure the grandkids will rememeber it forever.

  9. What a great idea! I am sorry to hear about your loss. It sounds like a sweet thing to do with the kids. I hope all is well.

  10. What a creative and thoughtful idea, very sweet. And that you documented it in pictures, even better! Hope you and yours have a very thankful Thanksgiving!

  11. This was such a wonderful, heartfelt idea and so perfect. The idea, the story, the brought tears to my eyes!


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