Monday, November 24, 2008

Coming Home

We took the train back Wednesday morning. Brian and Rachel were on the same train with us, going up to Portland, so we had breakfast together in the dining car.

We'd had to get Kate up early to catch the train, and she was pretty droopy during breakfast. We thought she might take a nap afterwards, but as soon as we got back to our seats she perked back up and was bouncing off the walls again.

There was a lot of snow in the mountains, and a lot of trees that looked like this right next to the train track:

It was so pretty! Kate was impressed. She was sitting looking out the window and making up a song about Arctic animals.

We went through a lot of tunnels and snow sheds that we hadn't been able to see at all on the way down, because it was so dark. We were in the last car of the train so I took a few pictures out the back window. The window was really dirty, as you can see, but the pictures are kind of cool.

There were lots of neat misty areas too.

Somewhere between Chemult and Eugene the snow ended. I completely missed the transition, since I was downstairs at the time, getting Kate into a new shirt after a mishap.

Kate plays with her dinosaurs in the dining car. ("Ah! Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!")

I did a lot of crocheting, finished reading A Girl of the Limberlost just in time for book club, and started on The Hero of Ages. We like the train! We'll have to do it again some time. (Hopefully for a happier occasion.)


  1. Anonymous10:36 PM

    I'm glad you were taking the train through that pretty white stuff and not driving.

    Did Kate really have her dinosaurs say that?

  2. Beautiful pics, Helena. Thanks for sharing your journey.

  3. Looks like a beautiful train ride. Even with the dirty windows, those photos are gorgeous.

    Just had to comment about your book. I LOVE Girl of the Limberlost. I've lost track of the number of times I've read that one and Freckles. I'd love to hear about some of the discussion points from your book club.

  4. Julie--no, she didn't say that. But I'm thinking we should teach it to her.

  5. love the tunnel pictures! Kate is a cutie bug!

  6. Great pictures. I too am glad you weren't driving in that white stuff though.

    What the dinosaurs weren't saying to each other, but looked like they were: what's that a quote from?

  7. Gorgeous photos!

  8. I love the snow pictures!


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