Tuesday, November 18, 2008


(I was planning on having this all done some time ago--Kate and I have both been sick and cranky. Not fun. Anyway, here's more from Oregon.)

Doug's mom lives in the Round Lake area outside of Klamath Falls. Family converged from Portland, Utah, Idaho, Nevada, and Southern California. Everyone was there. Doug's sister Melody mentioned that it was the first time all six kids had been together since her wedding, which I think was about fourteen years ago. It was wonderful that everyone was able to come, though unfortunate that it had to be for such an event. (And, ironically, we'd been talking about having a reunion next summer.)

There was a constant stream of food through the door, brought over by neighbors and friends from church, and they even contributed trailers for people to sleep in. I think there were three trailers in the driveway, and Doug, Kate, and I ended up sleeping in a little trailer in a neighbor's back yard across the street. It was really a great thing to see so much sympathy and support.

Kate enjoyed playing with Grandma's toys (especially Hungry Hungry Hippo) but she was rather overwhelmed by having so many cousins around, so it was nice to have a quiet place to go.

Cousin Lonnie and his wife Martha drove down from Puyallup with 7-8 pounds of Alaskan halibut, which they fried up for dinner. It was so good. (Kate just gobbled it up and kept asking for more.) Lonnie is about the best cook ever. When I heard he was coming down, I said, "Can we get him to cook for us?" Mmmmmm.

The group shot (taken on Brian's camera. I really need a wide-angle lens). Six kids and their families--fifteen grandkids and three great-grandkids. The youngest great-grandchild isn't in the picture. I think she was at her grandma's house that evening. Unfortunately we didn't get a shot in which Kate wasn't either looking away from the camera or looking possessed.

Family picture! Awwww!

Melody and her youngest, Jarom (another December baby). Melody is my age and served a mission in Japan while I was in Korea.

Nadine's little boy Tyson (one of the great-grands) crawled up behind Kate a couple of times and tugged on her hair, at which she turned and hollered, "Hey! Don't do that!" and I said, "Better get used to it, kiddo!"


  1. I must say, that is one of the redeeming qualities of a funeral: The coming together of family.

    I hope you and Kate feel better soon (or that you already are!).

  2. Anonymous2:45 AM

    While the circumstances where very sad, I'm glad you got to see family. Love the family picture.

    At 9pm Sunday night, Ahji decided to check Jaylene's communication book and she needed a family photo, that was a photo, not just printed out. Couldn't find one that included Jayden! I printed some out on photo paper and I think they were acceptable.

    Hope you're feeling better.

  3. It is wonderful that your family was able to gather together and there was so much support from neighbors and friends. Hope you and Kate are better soon.

  4. Lovely photos. Hope you are feeling better!!

  5. I agree with everyone else, the silver lining of a funeral is the gathering of family.

    My prayers continue.

  6. It sounds like people were so generous and thoughtful to help out so much, that's really nice. And it's nice that so much family could come together during this time to support one another and celebrate the life lived by Doug's dad. I hope Doug is doing okay... It hurts, I know. I'm sure Doug's dad was very proud of him and his beautiful family.

  7. Yeah we have been sick as well. Didn't get the chance to tell you but I love the pictures that you send out. They are great. It was so nice to see you, doug, and katie. She is so cute. Love your blog. I hope that you and your family will feel better soon.


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