Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Our Little Sunbeam

Kate has really been enjoying her Sunbeam class at church. Here she is with her teacher, Catharine Tracy. She's excited to go every week (I don't think she really "gets" Sharing Time, much, but she loves class time) and she brings home fun handouts and games. Catharine won't be with us much longer, since she'll be heading off to college soon. We will miss her!

This last Sunday was the Primary presentation in Sacrament Meeting. Kate had one line--"I am a child of God, and he has a plan for me," which we practiced at home a bit. She went up to the microphone and said her part just fine, and stayed up on the stand through one song, and then she decided she was done and came back down and sat with us. We figure there's plenty of time for that sort of thing!


  1. How fun that Catharine is her teacher! I'm glad you posted about her leaving soon for college because I've had something for her ever since she graduated that I've been meaning to give her... I need to pay her a visit before she leaves.

    Anyway, way to go Kate for saying your line into the microphone in front of all those people for the presentation!

  2. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Kate looks adorable, and she did a great job with her presentation. Jaylene is still so shy about those sorts of things.

  3. Three cheers Kate! It sounds like you did a great job!

    Love, Grandma

  4. so cute! Libby's part was almost exactly the same! Love the primary program.


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