Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Cousin Hazel

Here's Kate's newest cousin, Hazel Christine, born Sunday morning. (More on my mom's blog.) Congratulations to Barb and Kyle! She's a beautiful baby.

Barb was there when Kate was born. I'm not sure what she thought of the whole experience, but I remember how I felt afterwards--completely wrung out, and a bit shocky (darn episiotomy....) and then the first couple of weeks home with the baby and trying to figure everything out. I know Barb will be a great mom!


  1. I got to ooh and awwwww over her yesterday, but I'm always willing to sigh over a baby! She's so adorable! Congratulations!

    My sister was at my oldest's birth too.

  2. Congrats! She is beautiful! I'm in love with her name, that was our girl name but we kept having boys, lol.

  3. Awww!

    There's nothing so precious, nothing closer than the miricle of a new baby. Congrats!

  4. Very Cute!! Congrats!

  5. Btw, that is my Mom's name. Dean and I love it too and were thinking about naming a girl that, if we have a girl some day... we shall see.

  6. What a sweetie!!!!!! Congrats!

    PS my second delivery was a *dream* compared to the first!!

  7. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Congratulations, Auntie Helena... and congratulations, Barb, on your beautiful baby.

  8. ooh, a family that gets to start calling hazelnuts Filberts. ;)

    Hazel is steve's mom's name and she insisted on the kids using the old fashioned filbert moniker for the nuts. I think the comparison to the nut was just a little too close to true when she was raising eight kids. ;)

    Your neice Hazel is a little sweety. Congratuations to the family!

  9. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Thanks for all the sweet comments! We sure love her. Now that she is a few days old I think she is looking somewhat like Kate at that age. We'll have to see of course. She has dark hair right now, also just like Kate had. She is a wonderful blessing to our family.


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