Sunday, October 19, 2008

Photo tag

This is a tag from my sister-in-law, Karen. You're supposed to go to your "My Pictures" folder, pick the fourth folder, and post the fourth photo in that folder. Well, I do have a "My Pictures" folder but it doesn't have anything in it. So I had the computer do a search for all image file (48,948 files found--yikes!) and then picked the fourth one that was actually one of my pictures and not something from the 2007 Camp Leader Guidebook, not a scan of Doug's driver's license, and not a graphic created in Corel Draw. Here's what I got:

This is Kate at six weeks, doing her "sardonic baby" impression. I've always loved this photo, though the focus is a bit off. I haven't seen her doing the one-eyebrow thing lately. Maybe she can't do it anymore.


  1. Anonymous9:27 PM

    So sweet. Losing the one eyebrown ability is one of the sad aspects of growing up.

  2. That is a *way* funny photo!

  3. I love that photo! I am so thankful for cameras so I can remember my babies really well. :)

  4. that is a super cute picture! :-)
    Babies make the most interesting faces. I think the know so much more than we give them credit for.

  5. I love that picture too. , Love Mom

  6. this pic! Second...can I steal the idea for my blog?


Thanks for stopping by! We love comments!

(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)