Saturday, October 25, 2008

Cute as a Pumpkin

Karen recently posted directions for a crocheted pumpkin hat, so I thought I'd make one for Kate. I kind of guessed on making it bigger--I made eight sections of 11 stitches wide. (My ridges don't seem to be lying quite right. Not sure what's up with that.) I also made a matching vest to go with it. I think Kate got tired of me trying it on her. I only got two skeins of yarn to start with and ran out, so I got Doug to pick up another one for me while he was out grocery shopping. (Thanks!)

Yesterday we went out and got some pictures. We went over to our favorite picture-taking corner and found the ground just covered with leaves. Hooray!

(Blurry, but cute!)

I drew some googly eyes on paper and stuck them to the front of my camera, to get Kate to look at me. I think it helped! She thought the eyes were hilarious and kept sticking them on other things afterwards.


  1. once again, I am amazed at your talent. I wish we still lived near each other. I would love to learn how to make that sweater!!!
    So Cute!

  2. Wow Helena!! Not only is Kate cute as a button, but the photos look like they came out of a magazine, and the garments are delightful!

  3. Great job Helena--on the crocheting and on the photos. REALLY gorgeous.

    Love, Mom

  4. Loving the cuteness. The hat is adorable, but the little girl wearing it makes it that way.

  5. Hooray! I'm glad people are making my hat! I kind of like how the ridges lay -- it's not exactly how pumpkin ridges go, but it's pretty.


  6. What a sweet hat for an adorable girl!

  7. That's the cutest thing I've ever seen! Kate is a doll! Great job on the crocheting.

  8. Anonymous6:08 AM

    How can I not gush in this comment?? Gorgeous daughter, talented and cute outfit, fabulous photos (I am so jealous of the light) and a great idea to boot! When the googly eyes fail to work any longer, you could try a pez dispenser in your hot-shoe...

  9. What a cutie...just adorable!

  10. That's so cute! Great job!! Love the pics too.

  11. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Despite having a link to your blog on MY blog, I haven't stopped by in a while (bad me!). I cannot believe how big your little girl is! Ay yi yi!!! A.D.O.R.A.B.L.E. That hat and sweater vest look simply too cute for words.

  12. So very beautiful!

    & congratulations on the pregnancy & new baby!

  13. Anonymous3:15 AM

    This is probably a bolt out of the blue but I happened to be a korean and stumbled on your blog and thought I'd drop you a line.

    Regarding the two straw woven scoops, they are for screening unnecessary little things when rinsing rice. Koreans believe buying rice scoops around new year brings you good luck (literally speaking, scoops good luck).

    I've been living in england and it's good to find someone cherishing her valuable experiences in a foreign country. I am an LDS myself and may God bless your and your family. The first September nip in the air and a flurry of dead leaves on the grass heralded the end of the summer and that depressing 'nothing is for ever' autumnal feeling. I hope you will find this particular time of the year joyful.

  14. Oh, one more thing. You are more than welcome to ask me anything about my home country should you have any.

  15. Wow -- you are so talented!!! Your knitted pieces are incredible and your daughter is just adorable! Great photos! :)

  16. So adorable! I just love these pictures of Kate... the outfit, the leaves, the little pumpkin, her cute little grin... it's all so perfect!

  17. She is so cute! That is the perfect color for her! Good job!

  18. Kate is just so cute! She's lucky to have such a creative Mommy.

  19. Anonymous6:11 PM

    I haven't been by your blog since June, and so there was lots of catching up to do. Hasn't Kate grown! She looks delightful: great outfit, great photos ... and, it would seem, a child of delight. Hope all is well, and that the coming months bring even more joy

    Love Helen

  20. You are amazingly talented. The outfit is fantastic, the photos are stunning and little Kate is just adorable!

  21. Kate is just BEAUTIFUL!!! And I love the vest and hat! She's lucky to have such a talented mom! :o)

  22. I agree, the hat and vest look quite nice on her and with leaves and background the pictures look great.

    I love the googly eyes idea. I will need to try it on Ayden when he gets old enough.

  23. I've been admiring these photos in your 2Peas siggie for some time now (major lurker I am!) - finally linked over to your blog when I saw that your son was bon(Congrats BTW) - these photos are BEAUTIFUL - she is BEAUTIFUL - couldn't view them w/o commenting!


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