Saturday, May 13, 2006

Random stuff

Yesterday I used some big swoopy letters from the font "Aquiline" to put some random lines across the background of a layout I was working on. The layout is of a Young Women activity, so I suppose I should get permission before posting it, but part of the swoops looks like this. (That curlicue thing is the ¶ character--go figure! It's alt+0182) I like that irregular bumpy, broken-up line look. So today I was messing around in Photoshop and using layered filters to see if I could reproduce the effect. I think I got pretty close. Then I took it a little further and came up with this:

Ooh, pretty! Kind of a batik thing going on there. This has possibilities.

This week I've been busy editing photos from a couple of shoots I did (that sounds so formal... ha!) and messing around with various things. We went to the zoo yesterday and Kate got to walk on walls and benches. That's her latest thing. Sometimes she tries to do it without any help, which is rather nerve-wracking.

Kate has learned "apple" (which she says like "bappu") and "meow," and "done!" When she's sitting in her high chair and has finished eating, she holds out her arms and says "Da!" Of course we think she's brilliant.

Doug has an interview at a college in Olympia next week! We are excited.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:57 PM

    your pencil sketches are awesome! i personally love doing them,but am never too good with the portraits-your portraits are just flawless! keep up the beautiful work!

    p.s. the pic of kate pickin up easter eggs is really cute ;-)


Thanks for stopping by! We love comments!

(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)