Sunday, May 07, 2006

Children's Day

May 5th, 1992, was the day I arrived in Korea for my mission. It was Children's Day, a national holiday, and I saw lots of people out with their kids, with balloons on their cars, and people flying kites along the river. On Children's Day parents often dress their kids up and take pictures of them in front of the flowers. Azaleas are very common there. We have a lot of azaleas and rhododendrons here in Washington state, too, which makes me feel nice and Springy.

This is Kate on Children's Day last year. She was so little!

This year we went to the park. She wasn't interested in posing for me, but had a good time running around, and I did manage to get a few pictures with the flowers.

Kate enjoyed walking back and forth across the bridge in the Japanese garden. It's a little too steep for her to manage on her own, so her daddy gave her a hand.

After taking the obligatory flower photos we went down to the beach, where Kate sat in the wet sand and got her pants wet, and we watched people throwing sticks out into the water for their dogs to fetch. There was also a seal swimming by, poking his head up to look at all the strange people.

Here's Kate helping her daddy push the stroller along the packed wet sand. She's crazy about pushing things.


  1. Anonymous3:09 PM

    I love the ones with her little wet bum and cute pink hat. It's amazing how much she's grown, too!

  2. Isn't it amazing to track how a year goes in growth?

    Great photos! Azaelas and Rhodies are some of my favorites.

  3. Anonymous8:22 PM

    She's still the most adorable little girl ever! I remember those 1st photos. It is amazing an entire year has passed so quickly.

  4. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Kate's shirt says "little girl" in chinese


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