Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mother's Day!

This is a picture of my mom with Kate, taken while we were in Ohio last summer.

Mom was the one who taught me how to roll a ball of yarn so that it pulls out from the middle, how to tell if an egg is cooked by spinning it, and how to whack a head of lettuce on the counter to knock the core loose. She also taught me how to give a talk in church and how to pad a writing assignment to make it long enough. She took care of me when I was sick, typed my stories for me on that old manual typewriter, and let me make a pickle-juice popsicle when I was ten, even though she knew it wouldn't be as good as I thought.

Mom's the one with the funny little wake-up songs and corny jokes. She inspired a love of reading, and animals, and creativity. When I read "Fox in Socks" to my daughter I can hear myself saying it the way my mom read it to me.

Happy Mother's Day, Grandma!


  1. Happy Mother's Day to both you and she. What a great tribute.

  2. Anonymous10:57 PM

    Helena, not a lot of things make me tear up, but your words were wonderful. Happy Mother's Day to you and your mother. =) Tricia


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