Thursday, December 08, 2005

Kate at 49 weeks

I combined the Monday photo shoot with the Christmas shoot (for possible use in cards). Kate was quite fascinated by these big ornaments, which I borrowed for the occasion from our friend Rebecca.

We've noticed in the past week or so that Kate's distractability quotient has gone down considerably. She remembers where things are. She's also started trying to put things in her mouth, which she hasn't done for months. She tries to feed herself, but can't quite figure out how to get the food from her hand into her mouth. Her vocabulary is increasing--she says something that sounds like "Izzat?" when she points at things.

Rebecca gave us this cute Christmas outfit for Kate. (There's a little skirt that goes with it, and some tights that she may very well be able to wear next year.) I took these a couple of days later, on Wednesday when I was out at Sylvia's house painting again.

Thanks Rebecca!


  1. Anonymous10:36 PM

    Oh, Helena, she is so cute. Can you believe she's a year old? Goes WAAAAY tooo fast!

    I saw a nifty thing in Target last week...they are called Dippers and are rubbery sort of...well, think of a honey dipper, only made baby friendly. In theory you hand this to your wee one with something like oatmeal or baby food or yogurt, and they dip and lick, dip and lick. Of course, being realistic I know that most of said food would end up on the tray, floor, face, and counters, but it's still a fun idea that I'm going to try for Kaleb. (I'm thinking those Dippers will appear in his stocking!)

  2. So sweet! I especially love the bottom right picture of Kate.

  3. She is getting so big!! She is beautiful!! Hugs Wanda

  4. Love Kate and the big ornaments!

  5. oh wow...those photos of her are incredible...


  6. WOW!
    Those pics are goregous, I'm gonna steal your idea (teehee) and see if I can't do something similiar with Jay.


    I can't believe how big she's getting...she's almost a whole year!

  7. Anonymous9:47 AM

    A year old already -- time sure goes by quickly doesn't it? :) She is just adorable as can be Helena what a blessing! :) I love the HUGE ornaments she sure looks like she had a ball posing with those. :) Happy Holidays.

  8. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Well, how freakin' cute is that?

    "Izzat" is a very respectable start to a burgeoning vocabulary. Have fun pointing out flying buttresses, meerkats, J-B Weld and the like to her!


Thanks for stopping by! We love comments!

(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)