Thursday, December 08, 2005

Painting progress

I wasn't able to do any painting last week because Sylvia was sick. (This did not mean that I got much else done at home, sadly.) So this week I went out Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. I started working on the rocks, finally. I'm planning to keep the rocks kind of loose and low-contrast so that they (A) don't take me forever, and (B) don't distract from the rest of the painting. The rocks, after all, are not the important part. I still have to finish up that building down at the bottom that looks like a chapel, and add a few little details like bars on some of the windows, and more lamp posts. I'm so close to being done, but I probably won't be able to go out again till after Christmas.


  1. Anonymous7:04 PM

    It just looks more and more realistic everytime you post a new picture, Helena. Amazing!

  2. Looks great! I hope Sylvia is feeling better.

  3. Wow, Helena, it is so awesome! Wish I had a cupboard under the stairs with this in it!!

  4. Anonymous6:49 PM

    you are so amazingly talented it blows me away!

  5. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Helena, your talents are shining forth as this mural comes together. Every time I see it, my breath is taken away. It is truly a stunning work of art.

  6. it looks so good, Helena! amazing work.

  7. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Your stuff just blows me away!


  8. I've been wondering how this was looking, so I had to track down your blog. I am absolutely in awe of your ability to create that ephemeral luminosity. The whole thing is amazing, but that is what makes you a true artist.



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(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)