Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Saturday at the Zoo with Kate

On Saturday the Young Women (from church) went to the zoo, and we got to tag along. It was chilly, but we bundled Kate up in this blue bunny suit that was a hand-me-down from somebody, and put her in her stroller with a big blanket tucked around her till she was nearly immobile. Doug tried to take the stroller through the turnstile at the entrance and Kate's head got bonked on the bar, which she did not like, of course, so she came out of the stroller right away and spent the rest of the time being carried around by Daddy. He didn't seem to mind much. I got to push the stroller with the blanket in it.

We did take Kate to the zoo once before, back in May (mostly I just wanted to go so I could play with my camera). It was so fun, this time, watching Kate reacting to the animals. She really enjoyed the seals, which were out of the water getting fed. When I show her the seal picture on the computer now, she shrieks and talks to it. Maybe she thinks it's a funny kind of dog.


  1. Ah, yes, the days of pushing an empty stroller while the other spouse carries the baby.

    Glad she had a good time!

  2. Awesome photos looks like lots of fun! Hugs Wanda


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