August has just flown by. I was out of commission for a while because I came down with a bronchial pneumonia thing right at the beginning of the month. (It was the day after our annual neighborhood potluck. Note to self: Do not attempt to make four dozen pretzels when not feeling well.) I spent a lot of time in bed. During this time the tomatoes started ripening in full force, but nothing was tasting good. It was so sad to watch those beauties pile up and have no desire to eat them.
So now I'm up and about, functioning more or less normally, and enjoying those lovely home-grown tomatoes. The pile is a bit larger than we can tackle on our own. We've eaten a lot, given a lot away, and I've starting cutting some up and freezing them. We'll use them for cooking. (Looking at this picture is making me hungry. I shall have to run out and grab a couple of those Chadwick Cherries.)
Doug had two classes for summer quarter (which doesn't usually happen, so we're glad to have the extra money). The quarter is over, but now he has jury duty. We were hoping to maybe go out to the coast before the kids go back to school, but this may or may not happen. (We also have an anniversary coming up... I suppose we'll manage to do something!)