I keep seeing these really cool pumpkins that people carve, where they leave a thin layer and the light shines through. I tried it, didn't work so well. The carving part wasn't so bad, but when we put a candle inside it didn't really show. Perhaps people are using stronger lights?
I ended up using one of my Speedball lino carving tips to take away the rind. I was trying to get by without it, since I had a set before that rusted after being used on some potatoes, but I cleaned it well afterwards and we'll see if it pulls through.
Doug wore his Ravenclaw robe to classes. Kate and Andy wore their dragon costumes (again), but we didn't get a picture because Kate wasn't ready when it was time to leave for the church Trunk-or-Treat.
We had a very rainy week, but it fortunately stopped before trick-or-treating time. We still only had three groups stop by this year, and two of them were neighbors. I know we had more than that last year.