They wanted pictures of fifteen works. I've done a good number of murals, stage sets, and other painting projects, but had to fill in with a couple of pencil drawings (which will showcase my versatility, I guess!)
I've been wanting to do something like this for a long time. I've even thought of finding a muralist in the area who would let me shadow them. I was so sad when I realized I'd missed the application deadline, when I first found out about the project. But in the intervening time I've been accumulating experience and connections. I love the fact that I get to use the director of Tacoma Opera as a professional reference now.
They'll be choosing a few sites around town and matching artists up with community groups. If I don't get picked as a lead artist I could be an assistant. (I've never done an exterior mural before, so assisting might be a good way to start.) I should hear by April 15th!