Breakfast for hungry babies, June 19th.
We've had a special treat watching this family of robins right outside our apartment building. The nest is just above my eye level, which means I can lift Kate up so she can have a good view. Kate had been pretty sick and we missed the day the eggs hatched, but when I noticed the babies I gave her a piggy-back ride outside to see them. We waited very quietly and after a while Mama Robin came to feed them (after chirping at us angrily from the sidelines for a few minutes). Kate was entranced. She said, "That's a miracle!"

June 23rd. The babies are getting bigger!

Mama is still suspicious. I had to wait her out for about twenty minutes.

June 25th. I never did get any more feeding pictures. I hung out for an entire hour, but Mama just wasn't going for it.

June 26th. Something must have happened to one of the babies--there are only three now.

Watchful parent.

The babies fledged on June 27th (the kids' half birthday!) I was heading out to run some errands and stopped to check the nest first, and just happened to catch the last baby standing on the edge of the nest, looking uncertain. I grabbed the camera and got a few shots before he fluttered out.

We didn't really see the babies after this. Their parents continue to feed them on the ground for a couple of days, but apparently they decided that right outside an apartment building was not the best place to do it. Kate asked me what will happen to the nest now. I told her they might use it again, or they might decide there are too many people around. Enough with the paparazzi!