Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Grimmie the Wandering Wesen

I've been busy making this cute little guy for the Facebook Grimmsters group.  We're going to pass him around and take pictures of him around the world. Jaime came up with the idea, Donna made the sweater, and I got to make Grimmie.  It's been a fun project.

This little thrift store piggie sacrificed his bean bag innards to the cause. (Let us have a moment of silence....)

I got some brown suede at Jo-Ann.  Then I dug out my old stuffed animal patterns and found a head to use. This was part of a dog pattern (sort of a Husky type), which I scanned and reduced. (Convenient, that!)

I thought at first that this head was a bit too pig-snouty, so I spent a while trying to come up with something different, but it just wasn't working, so I decided to just go with it.

He looked much better after I got the rest of his face on. (I stuck his head into the sweater to get a picture!)  The hair gave me fits but I like how it turned out. 

Grimmie's pieces coming together. I made his legs out of some jeans that I had decided to turn into cut-offs. (I always wear a hole in the right knee--why is that?)

I did as much as I could on the sewing machine, but toward the end had to do a lot of hand stitching. (We had a productive General Conference weekend--I was finishing up Grimmie and Doug started a new leather project.) I realized that there was no way I could fit the head and the arms and the legs inside the body (for sewing up inside-out)--there just wasn't room.  So I assembled his top and bottom halves separately and  then stitched him together.

Grimmie all finished! You can see the stitches around his middle. He's got polyfill stuffing in his face, arms, and legs, and the bean bag fills up his body and the back of his head.  It was just the right size!

Kate was happy to help me take some pictures of Grimmie outside. Isn't he cute in his sweater?

Kate loves Grimmie.  She knows he's not staying--she will be sad to see him go, but I think she will enjoy following his travels. ( I can make her a Grimmie-friend later.  After I've recovered from this one!)

I took Grimmie down to Point Defiance and got some cute pics... here he is enjoying the duck pond. 

Ah, spring!

Grimmie the Wandering Wesen begins his travels! ("Wesen" is pronounced with a "v" sound--it's German--so it's more of a visual alliteration than an actual one.) Grimmie will be visiting the United Arab Emirates next, and then some friends in Europe. Eventually he'll be going to the Grimm set in Portland. (Norberto Barba's wife Gina offered to take him in for us--assuming they get a third season, which hasn't been officially announced yet, but we are optimistic!) It's great fun to have a group project like this. 

And here are Kate and Grimmie playing together. She cracks me up.

1 comment:

  1. He is so cute! I love the face and the sweater is just precious.


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