Saturday, August 27, 2011

Cream Pineapple Crochet Sweater

I got my sweater all blocked and dry in time to enter it in the fair!  I took it down to Puyallup today, along with Kate's little yellow sweater.  It's kind of fun to drive onto the fairgrounds while they're getting things set up.  And the ladies at the Home Arts section are always so nice. I took Andy along with me and he got to flirt with everybody.

The pattern is from Let's Knit #16 (one of the Japanese books that I got).  It works up quickly but I would definitely call it an advanced pattern.  It only shows half of each piece, so you have to extrapolate the turns on the other side.

I used DMC Senso (cotton/wool blend)  and a G hook with pretty loose tension.  I think it's just a teeny bit too big. But it'll work.

Update: I got a blue ribbon!  Woo hoo!

I get a lot of hits on this post from people looking for crochet sweaters... if you have any questions feel free to email me!  helenajole at netscape dot net


  1. WOW! That is GORGEOUS, Helena!!!

  2. Lovely! Hope you win a prize!

  3. It is beautiful! You are sure to win a ribbon!

  4. fabulous. I'm glad you got to enter it.

  5. Beautiful! The sweater is definitely a winner!

  6. Awesome, I bet you will be the sweepstakes winner.

  7. So beautiful. You have many talents!
    Good luck at the fair.

  8. wow! It's fabulous and looks lovely on you!

  9. That's just beautiful, Helena! Very delicate and feminine.

  10. Great job! I hope you win!

  11. Seriously... is there any end to your talents!?

    I love it, it is GORGEOUS!!

  12. You are so talented! I'll look out for it at the fair - good luck!

    My husband enters homebrew every year and this year Holly entered some art through her Camp Fire troop. Exciting!

  13. Congrats on winning the Blue Ribbon - I knew you would !

  14. jawaan12:12 PM

    Congratulations on earning your blue ribbon. I am very interested in this sweater. I have searched for the Let's Knit # 16 and can not find it. I understand that a lot of these books are out of print, but do you know where I can find one or where to look? Thank you very for your time.

  15. Carole Mullen9:11 AM

    This is a lovely crocheted cardigan. I would really like to make this, but cannot find the pattern in the UK. I have Googled it but "no luck". I wondered if you could give me the reference number or ISBN number. I hope you can help me. I would be very grateful.


  16. Somebody uploaded it here: (this one starts on page 53) If you enlarge the pages all the way I think they're big enough to make out the details.

    1. Sadly it's no longer available (checked on September 16th, 2023). But you it can be found through pinterest.

  17. Anonymous11:33 AM

    How can we purchase one? Simply stunning!

  18. Well, if you're size 12-14-ish I suppose I could make you one.


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