Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Summer Solstice

We celebrated summer with a little picnic at Snake Lake.  It was a bright sunny day with not a cloud in the sky (okay, maybe a few around the edges), which is definitely not the best conditions for taking pictures.

I thought at first that we could eat our lunch by the play area (Discovery Pond), but it quickly became apparent that this would not work, so we relocated to the picnic area and found a table in a nice shady spot.

Andy enjoys his sandwich.  (Almond butter!)

At the picnic area we ran into Liberty, who reads my blog. (Hi Liberty!) That was pretty cool. (I know she wasn't stalking me because she was there first... perhaps I was stalking her!)

After eating we headed back over to Discover Pond and turned the kids loose.

(Well, for a certain value of "loose.")

There was a big stand of clover with hugely long stems, so I made a clover chain crown for Kate.

Squinting in the sun.

We had "corn and the cob" (that's what Kate calls it) for dinner.  Very summery.  The next day it was all cool and cloudy again. Isn't it nice to have variety in weather?


  1. I haven't been to your blog for awhile, Helena... it's like a breath of fresh air! Your kids are growing up so fast. Love the clover crown... it looks like it was a lot of work!

  2. I am glad you had fun! I bought almond butter a while back, thinking it might make a change from peanut, and the kids wouldn't eat it. Sigh.

  3. Aw, a shout out :P I am glad I said 'hi' to you and I hope I didn't freak you out too much, lol!! It was a beautiful day for the park indeed. Nice to meet you in person!!!

  4. How did you make a clover crown. That is really awesome. It looked like you had a fun time.


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