Monday, June 20, 2011

Kate's Dragons

I had this idea a while ago. We gave it a try yesterday, and it worked out really well!

Kate and I went outside and took some pictures, and then we uploaded them onto the computer and Kate added dragons (and other things) in Photoshop.

I love the teeth and tongue on this one.

I showed her how to paint on a new layer and how to undo.  She's going to be proficient in Photoshop before she hits middle school. She used my graphics tablet and pen part of the time, and just drew with the mouse for the other part. She's pretty good with both!

Kate really had a blast doing this. We've already taken more pictures that she's going to work on.


  1. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Wow! Kate has very good skills drawing in PS. She has such creativity. Wonder where she got that???? ;)

  2. Oh, that's adorable... =)

  3. That's so cute! What a great idea!

  4. How very imaginative and how very fun. Kirsten loves it too!

  5. Julie K in Taiwan7:17 PM

    So awesome! We'll be doing that this summer now ;)

  6. LOVE this idea!! Looks like she had fun with it.

  7. What a fantastic idea! Kate has a future as an animator.

  8. I love this idea and I'll pin it for my grandchildren to do while visiting!

    Kate has talent!

  9. Such a wonderful idea, and Kate is an awesome artist just like her mommy!


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(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)