Wednesday, June 15, 2011

School's out!

We're all done with Kindergarten! Here's Kate coming out of school on her last day, dragon costume flapping. (She's been wearing her dragon costume to school quite a lot lately.) They had a half day today, with a special assembly in the morning. I went for the end-of-the-year slide show. (They used a few of the photos that I took.) It was funny to hear the kids' reactions throughout the show, as each photo got some kind of response--a murmur of recognition or a roar of laughter. And at the one photo that was sideways, everyone in the auditorium tipped their heads simultaneously.

Kate has loved school. She seemed to have mixed feelings about her last day--excited for summer but sad that her Kindergarten year was over. She really loved her teacher and made some good friends in her class. We got a few phone numbers so hopefully we'll be able to arrange some play dates. (Kate is already planning a "Summer Party" at our house. She'll have to clean her room first.)

The Kindergarten classes had a day at the park on Monday, where I got a nice picture of Kate with her teacher.

I ran into her teacher the next day at Fred Meyer, and she told me how much she's going to miss Kate and her imagination. It's been a fun year.


  1. That year sure flew! She's growing up so fast and both photos are lovely.(Please reassure me that they didn't do a graduation with academic gowns and mortar boards! :-) )

  2. I got a little teary reading this--remembering…

    Onward and upward with the next generation. :D

  3. Nope, no mortarboards, thank goodness.

  4. It's always nice to hear good things from teachers--good for Kate!


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