Sunday, August 22, 2010

So, it turns out I can't crochet and read subtitles at the same time...

I have this crochet piece, begun last year, which has been languishing untouched for months. I pulled it out and decided I should try to finish it up in time to enter the fair. This put a damper on my Korean drama viewing for a while. I got the ends worked in this afternoon and now it's blocking. Hopefully it will dry quickly!

I finished watching Coffee Prince on hulu. (I wasn't sure how appropriate it would be, after reading the description, but it was fairly PG, and cute and sweet.) I remarked to Doug that Korean dramas are like the new Shakespeare--unrequited love, ridiculous coincidences... cross-dressing....

Wednesday (the 18th) we commemorated my coming-home-from-mission day by going down to one of the Korean restaurants in Lakewood for dinner. I got some kimchi jjigae. Yum. It's now been seventeen years since I got home. It sure doesn't seem like that long. (It's so weird to see people that I served with on Facebook with big grown-up kids now.)

Doug gave his final on Thursday. He'll be home for about a month before the fall quarter starts. My plan is to do a lot of painting. I put some sky on the model train backdrop on Friday, while Doug took the kids to the zoo. That was the first I'd touched it since February. Time to get to work!

Kate starts school in less than two weeks. I don't think I'm ready for this.


  1. Oh you will do fine!

  2. Hi this is Elder Harken's sister (the one who has been responsible for his blog....and has been brought to repentance.) I'm sorry, I didn't realize anyone actually read it. So I have posted dated back since April. There are fun pictures and stories. Thanks for supporting him. He sure loves being out there.

  3. So funny thing happened.... I stopped by my good friend Jessie Kate Patterson's missionary blog, and whose comment did I see.... yours! Small world!

  4. Wow you have been busy this summer! Your kids grew since the last time I saw their pics. Kate is gonna love school but be warned she will be tired, it's a bit of an adjustment. We got into the new routine really quickly, I was suprised how smooth it has been :)


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