Thursday, June 17, 2010

The unintentional hiatus

June is zipping by and I haven't been posting. It's not that I've been particularly busy as such, just kind of preoccupied.

Doug ended up picking up a class for the summer, which was a surprise.  He hasn't had a summer class for several years. I'm sure it's a good thing for Doug, and probably the right thing for our family at this point, but I've been kind of up-in-the-air about what I personally want to be focusing on right now.  I hope I can get in some painting time this summer.  I haven't done a thing with the model train backdrop.

It sure doesn't feel like June.  It's been very cool and damp.  Andy's been a bit sick and I think Kate has a touch of it, too. 

Kate went to the dentist and found she has a problem area between her back teeth (not a cavity yet, but could turn into one) so we are brushing her teeth for two minutes every night with a prescription toothpaste, which she is not supposed to swallow.  It's not easy for a five-year-old to keep toothpaste in her mouth for two minutes without swallowing.  We're working on it. 

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with Kate's teeth--we all have bad teeth. It sure feels like June here--muggy and in the high 90s. Ish.


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