Sunday, May 30, 2010

Cousin Bridget

Peter and Karen (my brother and his wife) welcomed their new baby girl this morning:
Bridget Ellen,
born at 10:15 (Utah time),
7 lbs 9.6 oz, 19 1/2" long.

We think she looks a lot like her big sister Elizabeth.

Welcome to the world, Bridget!

Update: details and more pics on Karen's blog.


  1. Well isn't she just darling! I love new babies. Thanks for sharing and congrats Auntie!

  2. Welcome Bridget indeed! What a beautiful baby

  3. Always room for one more "Ellen" - especially since my Ellen is almost grown! Very cute!

  4. When I talked to Karen she said that Bridget has some features like Elizabeth. Well, if she really does look like the bottom picture I'd say that she and Elizabeth look like twins--it's just that they were born almost 2 1/2 years apart. :-)

    I'm glad she's here, safe and sound.


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