Tuesday, May 04, 2010

The League of Prehistoric Superheros

Dinosaurs in capes! (And goggles, and medals around their necks.) We taped it up on the wall in Kate's room.


  1. Wow! She is amazing!

  2. I just am always in awe of her talent. You would think by now I wouldn't be, but I truly am. :) Her art makes me happy!

  3. I love her selective coloring!! Just adorable--and your title made me laugh =)

  4. Has she ever just scribbled? Normal children scribble.

    My 8 year old niece still scribbles, but I'm not sure that is normal.

  5. I love how she overlapped them, and put the letters that stand for their names (L = longneck, T=tyrannosaurus, etc.) on their capes. Go, Kate, go!

  6. I am not surprised about her artistry. I really don't think there is anything more beautiful than a child creating...

  7. This would make a great vinyl piece too!


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(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)