Sunday, May 02, 2010

Reminds me of Thomas Kinkade. In a good way.

There are pink dogwoods blooming all over town. The pink against the green is so pretty.


  1. I love dogwoods--especially the pink! Sadly, they are through blooming here (for this year, at least).

  2. LOVE the pink trees!

  3. Gorgeous! I love all the blooming trees this year, such a treat for me!

  4. The dogwoods are absolutely fabuous!

  5. Helen in Australia3:22 PM

    The flowers that bloom in the spring (Tra la)
    Have nothing to do with the case.
    I've got to take under my wing (Tra la),
    A most unattractive old thing (Tra la)
    With a caricature of a face
    With a caricature of a face.
    And that's what I mean when I say or I sing
    Oh, BOTHER the flowers that bloom in the spring
    Tra la la la la-a Tra la la la la-a
    Bother the flowers of spring.

    Seriously though, they're lovely. We have some confused flowers over here that are blooming in autumn ... which is very difficult for rhyming. No wonder you guys call it "fall".


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