Thursday, November 05, 2009

Marker Board Maestro

I wanted to share some more of Kate's drawings. These are all from August and September. (Our homemade marker board is getting rather frayed around the edges.)



This is a pterodactyl, an iguanadon (see his thumb spikes?) and Kate says the thing at the bottom is a chicken.

Girl with dog (Kate says this is her and Clifford)

Crab (with eyelashes)

Kate's been drawing up a storm lately. (I can't really say "going through every sheet of paper in the house," because I do have quite a lot of paper that isn't the sort of thing I want her drawing on.) It's so fun to see what she comes up with.


  1. *LOL* Those are amazingly cute (thumb spikes, indeed!)!

  2. those are awesome, love the crab with eyelashes!

  3. the crab's my favorite

  4. Those are all terrific, but the crab is my fave. Have you ever seen the comic strip "Sherman's Lagoon?" Kate's crab looks just like Hawthorne the crab!

  5. So stinkin' cute! I, too, love the crab.

  6. Helen in Australia (via Oxford)4:37 PM

    The crab is wonderful (... and of COURSE it's a chicken!)

  7. Those are great! She's following in her artistic mommy's footsteps!


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(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)